Thursday, December 11, 2003


Kucinich is "not for sale"...

In the spirit of "miserable failure", a Kucinich supporter suggests we all link the words, "not for sale" to Kucinich's campaign site (

The Miserable Failure project was first mentioned at and has apparently been successful! The NY Times has the story....

Thursday, December 04, 2003



The byline for BushOut.TV: "The weblog for 2004 campaign ad coverage, from a progressive point of view.". Today's posts have some coverage on's "$87 Billion for Iraq and nuttin' for America" ad (my wording, not their's) which they're hoping to run in five states Bush narrowly won in 2000: Florida, West Virginia, Ohio, Missouri and Nevada. If you're interested in contributing to their ad campaign. Please visit their site. It's definitely worth a couple of bucks or two. Find out more about the ad (and contribute to the fund) here.

Wednesday, December 03, 2003


uh oh...

Nader Sending Up an '04 Trial Balloon

Uh oh. What is Nader thinking??! Has he gone off the deep end?? Does he really think he'll have a shot at anything after last election's debacle?? Then, if his supporters vote for him just cuz he's not Republican or Democrat, isn't that just like registerd Democrats and Republicans blindly voting their party with little to no consideration of their respective candidate's rhetoric and/or the consequences of their vote with respect to the greater political good???

If Nader really wants to make a difference and genuinely has the well-being of the nation in mind, he'd endorse Kucinich and stay out of the gosh-durn race. In fact, doing so would probably bolster his political career. On the other hand, running for Prez again just may well damage it for good. Even I would be hard-pressed not to see him as a "spoiler".

//end of rant.

Other opinions on the matter??

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